vrijdag 23 april 2021
tijd: 10.00 - 12.00 uur
CETA has been heralded as a gold standard for new EU trade agreements. Others characterise CETA as greenwashing, notably because its sustainable development provisions cannot be enforced, and because its investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS/ICS) provisions can hinder public policy measures on climate change and other issues of the European Union, its member states and Canada.
The experts at this webinar examine these controversial aspects of the agreement with Canada in order to find out whether it introduces new hurdles to the energy transition and other public policy measures. Furthermore, they discuss whether bypassing the national court system through ISDS/ICS might necessitate that Dutch parliament approves CETA’s ratification with at least two-thirds rather than a simple majority. Also, the question whether national parliaments have the right to reject ratifying CETA in its current form is dealt with, as well as the legitimacy of such a move.
Costs: participation for free
This webinar is co-organised by the Special Interest Group (SIG) Environmental Law of the European Law Institute
10.00 - 10.05 - Opening by Chris Backes, Utrecht University and board member of the Dutch Association for Environmental Law
10.05 - 10.25 - Outsourcing the rule of law: CETA in light of the development of international investment law
Harm Schepel, Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent
10.25 - 10.45 - CETA: gold standard or greenwashing?
Wybe Douma, European Environmental Law Consultancy
10.45 - 11.00 Questions and discussion
11.00 - 11.20 CETA's Investment Chapter: What prospects for a Green Transition?
Alessandra Arcuri, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
11.20 - 11.40 - Constitutional aspects of CETA: what role for parliament (and the courts)?
Jerfi Uzman, Utrecht Universiteit
11.40 - 11.55 Questions and discussion
11.55 - 12.00 Closing remarks by Chris Backes
Wybe Th. Douma, 'Van CETA naar het EU-Mercosur-handelsverdrag: greenwashing of gouden standaard?, Ars Aequi juli-augustus 2020
Alessandra Arcuri, Federica Violi, Kyla Tienhaara, David Schneiderman, Laurens Ankersmit and Harm Schepel, 'Expropiating democracy on the right and legitimacy of nog ratifying CETA', Blog of the European Journal of International Law, October 20, 2020, LINK to the article
W.Th. Douma, 'CETA: Gold standard pr greenwashing?', in: Douma, W.Th., Eckes, C., Van Elsuwege, P., Kassoti, E., Ott, A., Wessel, R.A. (Eds.), The Evolving Nature of EU External Relations Law, 2021, Pages 61-99.
Outsourcing the Rule of Law - CETA in light of the development of international investment law
CETA: gold standard or greenwashing?
CETA's investment chapter: what prospects for a green transition?
Presentation Alessandra Arcuri
Constitutional aspects of CETA: What role for parliament (and the courts)?
Kleverlaan 11
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