VMR blokje

Kennis­netwerk voor milieu-, water- en natuur­beschermings­recht 

UU-VMR Conference: Law and the End of Anthropocentrism. Judiciary and Climate Change; Ecocide as an international crime

Tuesday 21st of March 2023

Time: 13.30 - 17.00 uur

Location: Paushuize, Kromme Nieuwegracht 49, Utrecht

Hybride bijeenkomst





The urgent ecological crises of the Anthropocene confront us with new challenges. Which role can and should Courts play as an arena for change? Do the numerous violations of the environment call for new international criminal laws to protect the environment?

Outstanding experts from academia and practice will reflect on the role of judiciary in catalysing climate change mitigation and also discuss the proposal of recognizing ecocide as a core international crime. 

This conference is organized by the Utrecht University School of Law and Pathways to Sustainability together with the Dutch Association for Environmental Law.

Entrance: Free

Location: Paushuize, Kromme Nieuwegracht 49, Utrecht

Registration: Please use this registration form


Some literature


Dobson, N. L. (2021). Extraterritoriality and Climate Change Jurisdiction: Exploring EU Climate Protection under International Law. (1 ed.) (Studies in International Law; Vol. 83). Hart Publishing.

Spier, J., Climate litigation in a changing world, Legal Perspectives on Global Challenges, Eleven 2022.

Voigt, C., «Ecocide» as an international crime: Personal reflections on options and choices,
EJIL:Talk!, Blog of the European Journal of International Law, 2021


13.30 – 13.40      Welcome and introduction

Prof. Chris Backes, Utrecht University

13.40 – 14.20      Judiciary and climate change: ensuring government and corporate accountability

Brian Preston, Hon Justice Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, Sydney

14.20 – 14.40      Reflections

Prof. Jaap Spier, Senior Associate of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

Dr. Natalie Dobson, Utrecht University

14.40 -  15.05     (Panel)discussion with all participants

Prof. Edward Brans, Utrecht University

15.05 – 15.30    Break

15.30 -  16.10    Ecocide as an International Crime

Prof. Christina Voigt, Oslo University, Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

16.10 – 16.30    Reflections

Prof. Frank Biermann, Utrecht University, Director of the ERC Global Goals project

Prof. Cedric Ryngaert, Utrecht University

16.30  - 16.55    (Panel)discussion with all participants

Dr. Daan van Uhm, Utrecht University

16.55-   17.00    Closing

17.00                   Drinks and Snacks



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